What Does UV-C Radiation Do to Humans?

UV-C radiation is a form of energy that is part of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM). It is located between X-rays and visible light, and has the shortest wavelengths. UV-C radiation damages the DNA and RNA of microorganisms, preventing them from replicating or spreading. Humans can only be exposed to UVC radiation from an artificial source, such as a lamp or laser.

Exposure to UVC radiation can cause skin damage, such as sunburn, premature aging, and skin cancer. It can also cause irritation to the airways, especially for those with respiratory sensitivity. Phototherapy is a type of treatment that involves exposing a patient to a carefully controlled dose of UV radiation from a regular schedule. The Ultraviolet Index (UVI) is a rating scale that indicates the amount of skin-damaging UV rays that reach the Earth's surface.

UV-C radiation is dangerous and can have serious health effects on humans. It is important to protect yourself from UV-C radiation by staying indoors during peak sun hours, wearing sunscreen, and avoiding artificial sources of UV-C radiation. It is also important to be aware of the environmental factors that can increase your exposure to UV-C radiation, such as being close to the equator or in areas with snow, sand, pavement, or water.