Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Your AC Temperature?

A clean air filter won't stop air from entering and leaving your air conditioning unit, but a dirty one will restrict the flow of cold air, causing it to build up inside the unit and lower the temperature. An overheated AC is often a sign of a clogged filter. When the filter is dirty, the AC has to work harder to keep the room cool, resulting in more heat being produced. Air conditioners work by absorbing heat from the air inside your home.

The refrigerant evaporates in the indoor evaporator coil, absorbing heat from the air blowing over it. But if the air filter is too clogged, hot air is limited and can cause the coil to freeze. The buildup of dirt in a filter will also cause poor cold air flow in the AC system. That cold air will be trapped inside, leading to ice forming on your coils.

If this happens, your AC will freeze and stop working. Before it gets to that point, you may notice uneven cooling throughout your home or that some rooms are harder to cool than others. If this is happening, check your air filter first. Air filtration systems and purifiers are designed to improve indoor air quality.

To clean a reusable filter, remove it from the AC unit safely and rinse it in warm water. If your electricity bill is higher than usual, a clogged filter could be the cause. When a filter becomes clogged, the machine must try harder to push air through it, which is most noticeable in a central AC unit. This means that your AC won't cool your home as well as it should and can end up costing you more money in the long run.

Since the air flowing over the coil isn't sufficient to dissipate condensation produced during cooling, cold air will accumulate inside the cooling coil. You may also experience allergy problems due to dirty air caused by a dirty filter. A clogged filter will prevent air from circulating through the vents, meaning you won't have enough air to keep you comfortable.